Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ne pleur pas parce que c'est finis, sours parce que ca c'est passé.

Yes it is in French. It is baby girl's fav Dr. Seuss quote, "Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened". She quoted it in tears the night the high school play closed. She and big girl number two were amazing, in my humble opinion, stole the entire show. Baby girl was sad cause she loved her new high school friends.

I was also sad but a little excited because it meant I could get ready for NYC and France. Still kinda makes a lump in my throat that big girl number two is gonna live there. Full time. A new Yorker....... So mom and two big girls trip rocked. Big girl one met Katie Holmes. Lots time with our Elizabeth...lunch with Jessica...and Darcy found the prom dress to end all prom dresses. Live was grand.

France was everything it should be. I am thankful for John Stroud but really thankful for the world's best friend Liz who swooped in when our sitter had the flu. She didn't ask long she might be there, she just showed up. The great Anna Quindlen, says that's the best things people do, show up. Nancy and Erica showed up for our cheerleader trying out while I was in Paris. Hit my knees in flagship Louis Vuitton store sobbing upon her good news. Very Parisienne. You never stop being a mom. Showing up still rocks my world.....

Having had the same BFF since I was twelve, her mom was a huge "shower up" in my life. Ellie was one of the few adults who looked me in the eye and told me I was pretty. She taught me to have fun and hang loose. She taught me there is little a hot chocolate chip cookie made from scratch cannot cure. She taught me dishes staying in sink are less important than late night laugh fests. She is nearing the end of her courageous battle against cancer. She is brave and fearless and my Ellie to the end. She is talking of how forward she is looking to heaven. That may be the single best definition of Dr. Seuss's quote I've ever heard............