Sunday, March 3, 2013

Fiddler on the Roof and mental illness...

I turned on the tv this afternoon on Turner Classic Movies and low and behold, Fiddler was on. Three years ago all four girls were in the amazing CCS production. Big girl number one was  Golde. It's my favorite classical musical.  Baby girl even started watching it with me. It's "our" musical- all girls, a REAL marriage, pain, faith.

It got me thinking about why art speaks to why I'm obsessed with Silver Linings.  Those who hold me up & are in my innermost circle know I have a depressive disorder. The exact diagnosis is cyclothymia which basically means my thyroid is involved & I am one step removed from the mildest form of bipolar disorder. So basically my moods swing sometimes. I love Silver Linings showed the truth & the hope. This weekend has been a big "up" and I want to share aspects of it incase you know someone who struggles with any form, no matter how mild, of mental illness.

My Nancy showed up with yellow roses and yellow EVERYTHING to bring sunshine to me but also to acknowledge the sunshine I bring her & others. When you struggle to maintain a socially acceptable level of "up" and someone acknowledges you for that, it's huge, life giving and affirming.

Both big girls randomly sent messages vis varying social medians to proclaim their love & pride of me.  All I ever wanted to do was raise four girls well. That and be Julia Roberts.

My blue cross blue shield students showed up in mass to a yoga party downtown. They publicly proclaimed  the "blessing" (their word) that I have been.  Salve to a tired soul.

I sat at a baby shower for my sweet friend who has been trying to conceive for TEN years. Joy. Blessing. Life.

I sat a breakfast with my running partner who could speak truth into my life, love into my heart, and give the exact advice because she KNOWS me & my tendencies.

What I've come to realize is the truth in what my Al-Anon hero says over and over "life and more of it".  As Fiddler says, "To LIFE!".

I'm thankful for the people who pour life into me and so make my journey more beautiful & full &. Colorful.