I just returned from a week long visit to my big girl in London. I am proud of all my girls for very different reasons but this girl, wow, this girl. She has become a Londoner. She knows the hotspots. She found a church with locals who love Jesus and love socialism. She is her own person. She loves theatre and it ROCKS there.
Yes I met Helen Mirren after her incredible play. Yes we saw Matilda. Yes we saw amazing art and markets and stayed up late and laughed. But she is my best thing tonight because she gets loving theatre for arts sake, loving having homosexual friends, a good ale, oh AND Jesus.
We saw a live Passion Play in Trafalgar Square. I wept. Jesus walking through the crowd. Healing. Compassion. Warmth. Big girl called it the collision of two worlds. Yes. Yes. And isn't life?
Sweet Beth always said we raised girls that are the girls we wish we had been at that age. Here's the heart of the matter- she said she had become me. Whoa. No. Collision. She is so wise and fun and free and alive. I still get scared. A friend's strong opinion makes me second guess who I am for a moment. Then I remember "no one is gonna write my story". That's Matilda folks. (It's in NYC now and RUN RUN to NYC and see it).
It is a collision. I have wanted these four amazing girls to be comfortable in their own skin and then this beautiful girl says she likes wearing mine.
Breathe in. Breathe out. This collision isn't hurting quite so bad....
Big girl number 2 conquers NYC like she's always lived there. Number three flips and is a baby whisperer. Number four takes incredible photos and writes.
John Stroud loves big.
Colliding now feels ok......