Sunday, June 12, 2011

Aha moments, the Ritz and shared pain

FINALLY last Tuesday I dug my way out of my funk. Al-Anon is always a good start to funk killing. "The more I give thanks for my life as it is, the more I can accept the healing that allows me to change & grow. By recognizing & cultivating my abilities, I am increasing willing to let go." Wow. That was my funk's theme, song & verse. I was looking around at people I think are "too cool", "too hip", "too Christian", "too lberal" to include me. Kristin Chenowith (hear my "ohhh" as she is my fav Broadway voice) said in her memoir shoe was depressed for years because she was too liberal for Christian fans and too conservative for her liberal friends. Later that night, my AMAZING book club (The Hoot 'n Holler Club)had a fab meeting at my crack house AKA The Cosmetic Market. Having my cool CM buddies with my eclectic and laugh and feel beautiful was even more funk killing.

Funny thing is we are on a family vacation at a Ritz Carlton. The only reason our kids are here is we are on a huge wedding guest discount. It is funny how quickly we acclimate to the service and luxury and it is very "aha" to me how many diverse people fit in at the Ritz. Hmmmmm, there must be something to external comparison being a bad thing....

Shared pain is a powerful thing. I was open in sharing with safe people that I was in a funk. I have two heart friends who are going through big girl, full blown hard life stuff. My heart breaks. Anna Quinlan (cue ohhhhhh again) says we show up. Isn't that powerful? The great cinematic achievement says "we show up and sit". Here is to funk killing, no comapison, and showing up......

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