Tuesday, October 25, 2011

So I went around the world to learn this????

I have been back from the other side of the world for a week. I am still jet lagged which makes my hands shake & my heart sad. Weepy mess still.

Today with a circle of sweet friends I recounted my tales from abroad. Michelle shared stories of poor children in Peru who bought candy to share. I shared the story of an American tot who screamed if you touched his Cheerios. Cute Betsy summed it up best,"I am that American kid. I don't want my stuff messed with."

Bingo. That is SO me. I am that kid. My big girls are having a rough week. I can't fix it. I got my feelings cut to the quick today by a friend. I am still feeling my way around my emotions about my trip. Don't mess with my Cheerios thank you very much.

I knew I liked control & order & being adored. Did it really take a trip to the other side of the planet & week full of re-entry hell to remind me. Yep. I think it did....

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