Saturday, May 18, 2013

My decreasing value

Lately I have been an Instagram & Facebook fiend to share pictures of my travels with my out of town peeps. I enjoyed the comments and the love but it hit me like a freezing shower when I posted the following quote: "your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth".

It obviously hit a chord. Everyone obviously has a story.

I love my friends. I sometimes stare at the amazing, eclectic batch of people who make up my "innermost circle" and cannot believe these people love me.  The one hushed secret that really is not that secret is several of these people do not share my faith, my political views, my sexuality.  And the sometimes frightening thing is the people who do not share my faith sometimes love me better than those who do. It has made me think. As it started to really harden my heart, John Stroud made a startlingly clear observation: I have a large circle that if I go down, they will show up. That's the blessing- they all would show up. Regardless of our differences- they show up.

It still unsettles me that sometimes the "evangelicals" shoot their own wounded more than any other group. Does it mean they all do? No. I guess I have set them up to a higher standard but my core belief is we are all lost and all in this mess together so therefore, they shouldn't behave any differently. So maybe my vision is part of my issue.

I saw Alan Cumming do "Macbeth" solo on stage. He could convey all those characters in under two hours. It was amazing. I'm an obsessed fan. But there's my point: we all play characters and we all are capable of turning on a dime.  That includes me.

"Someone's opinion of you does not have to become your reality". Let's all say a hearty amen.

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