Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother pain sucks

Mother's Day Weekend....hmmmmmm. Drove to Birmingham to see big girl one in an amazing performance. Took my breath away. Met my mom to follow me back here to celebrate.

Both big girls have suffered disappointments & huts lately. The pain & anger I feel is indescribable. I did not know you could hurt so badly for another human. I just want to fix everything. God could they just be seven again....

Was so upset I text John Stroud and used the f word. Of course, the 14 year old had his phone. I will not live this down EVER.

Also did not have on my calendar that I was to work at Cosmetic Market today. Yep, an hour late & under dressed but I have to say did great bridal work I was proud to call mine.

This is not how I saw this weekend going down.....

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