Wednesday, September 7, 2011

For my girls....

I spent the night in Atlanta with my mom celebrating her birthday.  Several things hit never stop being a mom.  Several times she told me things I should or should not be doing and I am approaching fifty. Several times she questioned how good or bad a mom she had been.  I get that.  I have this running savings account to pay for future therapy for my girls so when they need to tell a professional what I did they or their husbands will not have to pay for the therapist.

Big girl #1 is back at school.  She is set to assistant direct her first show.  She sees what she wants long term and is planning to get there.  I wish I had had her gumption, her poise, her wisdom.  She is this amazing woman who continues to surprise me and make me question how she is mine.  She is beautiful but her real beauty is her heart.

Big girl #2 is studying to take her ACT and raise her score by one point so any of her dream schools are not out of question.  She is set to become the next Pulitzer Prize winning playwright.  If you know her, you know she will.  She is my movie going buddy and I will miss her but I will stand in awe I am sure.

Little girl #2 is cheering and flipping and making us whoop it up at games every week.  Baby girl is navigating middle school and volleyball like the pro her sisters prepared her to be.

I will forever question the mom I am.  Did I say "I love you" enough?  Did I say "You are amazing" enough?  Life is tough these days.  Do they know that no matter if they win or lose I am still their biggest fan?

I know that happiness is not a flippant fly-by-night thing but a conscious decision so therefore their happiness is not my job and my happiness is ESPECIALLY not their job.  But I want them to know they are the highlight of my life.  I want them to know I love their dad and my life separate from them.  I fought for so many years to be comfortable in my own skin, I don't want them to fight.

I don't know if we ever sit and go "yeah I was a good mom".  I don't think I will.  This parenting thing does not get easier.  The highs get bigger but so do the lows.

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