Sunday, December 4, 2011

Another year older...not so sure wiser

So I am officially in my late forties. My mother was a grandmother at my age. Whoa. Stop time. I have read the book One Thousand Gifts and it has made take stock of a year of lessons & blessings.

You never, ever hurt more than when your children hurt.

A bully is a bully no matter how you want to define him differently.

There is nothing like girlfriends. NOTHING. Especially the old ones, the ones with ten years of shared stories, the ones who tell you the truth. The ones who know should be in a sitcom with you.

A great man is still hard to find and I succeeded int that department.

Disney World is a happier place than I remembered.

Reconciliation is still a wonder to watch.

I still love yoga, especially hot yoga.

I am blessed with a job I love & feel I get to make a difference.

Sorry is always a powerful word. As is I love you, I've missed you, I was wrong, I am so grateful you are in my life.

I love how you get new friends you never saw coming.

I love a good travel adventures but home is still da bomb.

Four girls still blow me away. My little heroes.

There are worse addictions than quality TV,books, beauty products & home styling. Hello, my name is Merrile and I am an addict......

We miss the sameness when we focus on the differences.

I can still learn. Needlepoint or Pinterest anyone?

Life can throw lumps at me but do they destroy me? Define me? No. Here is to moving on to 50.

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