Thursday, December 22, 2011

It's a bad day not a bad life & other pinterest wisdom

The year is ending. I think I have learned a lot this year. I have learned the amazing world of pinterest, needlepoint and letting some things just go.

I have a new house plan and all my weddings planned thanks to pinterest. I have cool Christmas gifts thanks to Miss Ann & her patient teaching. I have learned holding onto grudges is letting someone live rent free in my head & gut or as Sara says, "holding a hot coal in your hand while complaining that it hurts".

I prayed & longed to be less angry this year. What was given to me was this big idea: reconciliation & forgiveness, when sought & asked for by healthy people, is an incredibly beautiful thing. The people who seek this, matter, the people who do not, I need to release. Today....not tomorrow.

I started a gratitude journal. I need to be reminded cause I am super good at whining.

So here is to 2012. May we grow, pin away, stitch & love more....


  1. I've kept a gratitude journal for years. It made mea much more thankful person since I was purposely looking for that for which to feel grateful. Merry Christmas!
