Sunday, January 22, 2012

Orphans & big cities & girls all around....

Christmas & New Year have passed. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh! I wanna be that super mom so bad that does it all with a smile on her face, apron on her hips, stuff flying from the pinterest recipe she just completed. I am not that super girl.

So in two weeks I go to Haiti to work at an orphanage. Baby girl is going. Fearless leader Carlee met to brief me. Trash piles. 10 babies want you at once. They don't all get adopted. Whoa. This is gonna be hard. I went to Malaysia in October. I am not missionary girl. Be VERY clear- I am NOT that girl but I really started praying to not be ANGRY girl. Somehow stretching who I see as Merrile Girl minus Angry girl is new things seeping in. Mmmmmmmmmmm. Maybe angry girl had to go away to meet merrilemusings mission girl.

Big girl got into NYC schools. She is gone. She is so city girl but she is my little girl. Who will do marathon movie time with me? Who will make me cry AND laugh A LOT in one day???? Sad happy scared excited ...... I reminded her mommies always get invited to award show :)

So mission girl is gearing up for OSCARS!!!! Announcement this Tuesday am. See mission girl is just kinda in my skin........pop culture girl is hard to crowd out & pinterest girl might fight you....

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