Thursday, February 24, 2011

God,products, and six-year-old hugs

Today was Bible Study Fellowship. Greatest quote of day, "We are our greatest 'idols' but God loves us amongst our sick love of ourselves". Whoa!!! Ok, so blogging probably fuels my 'idol'. The other great reoccurring theme was God never forsakes...never.

My current favorite products are all available at the Cosmetic Market (great local boutiques in Tennessee & also online). I am loving Therapy Systems (Gwyenth's fav) Better Than Lips. It looks like chapstick with a bandaid on it. It is not just that is works but it makes me about my daddy. He passed away October 11th and I never saw him without a chapstick. He had the cutest way of taking the cap off and applying with one hand. My other fav is Stila illuminating makeup- like being in candlelight! The final one is the eye brightened pencil in shell by Trish McEvoy- in the corner of my eyes it adds four hours of sleep- seriously!

My girls are now 19,17,13, and 11. It used to make me so mad when "older" moms would tell me, "Just you wait, they will be gone in a minute". Then one of mine left. I always dreamed of four girls but I am also dreaming of grandsons. Max,Mac & Carter have a bit of my heart. Went to pick up Carter (6) today and I was barely out of the car & he was running towards me screaming "Miss Merrile!!!" and throwing his arms around me. Therapy...instantly.


  1. A friend forwarded a devotional to me today by David Wilkerson, NY pastor best-known for his book "The Cross and the Switchblade". The intro to your blog today made me think of it again.

    Here's an excerpt:

    "The Holy Spirit gave David a revelation that is the key to all deliverance.
    David could say, ‘The reason God delivered me from all my enemies—from all my sorrows and the powers of hell—is because I am precious to him. My God delights in me!’ ‘He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me, because he delighted in me’ (Psalm 18:19).”

    God takes delight in us—and in things that bring us joy. The fact that Chapstick makes you smile and think about your daddy, makes your Daddy (capital "D") happy, too.

    Same with your blog. Sharing things that bring you joy brings others joy.
    Nothing wrong with that. Before reading John Piper's books, I used to think very differently about things that made me happy. Thanks to Piper, I am now a "Christian hedonist"!

    Gotta go. Need to get some Better Than Lips—and while I'm at it, probably one of those eye pencils, too. :)

    Thanks for the tips. Keep 'em coming!

    ♥, cath

  2. (p.s. God also knows how very much you miss your daddy...)
