Eight days ago wonder daughter number three was diagnosed with mono. I realize it is mono, not some life-threatening illness, but selfishly it threw a wrench in my plans. Very quickly we both developed cabin fever. Even worse, she had to miss her class trip to Dollywood. Big tears. BIG deal.
Baby girl's birthday was two days after "the day" as we began to call it. We had planned a frozen yogurt party after a day of entire fifth grade eating lunch together & seeing "Soul Surfer". I have to be honest, I was dreading that movie. Don't ask why, can't even begin to answer. I honestly do not know. I usually love cheesy, good triumphs stories. I was blown away. I thought I knew the story, but here is a lesson I re-learned: when so down you see no way out, do something for someone else. See the movie. Take people you love.
Big girl surprised baby girl at party. Nothing, nothing, nothing like sisters. I was exhausted! Forgot to hand out the goodie bags I stressed over....
Saturday big girl and I took a Pure Barre class & ate Mojo. I love having children want to be with me. I then did Home Depot for the numerous projects that begin when there is light & I feel alive again. Then the big treat....Madea's Big Happy Family & aerial yoga. I love me some Tyler Perry & Madea. I love the whole forgiveness is not for the other person but for YOU themes. I want to have lunch with him soooooooo bad. If you ever see that contest, enter me please. Aerial yoga was being in the circus which brings up movie three...."Water for Elephants". Saw it with big girl & big girl number two who is looking at NYC & beyond schools. The non-reader of the book (big girl) loved. Me & Sal, we missed the nuances of the relationships. Sal says "Mommy, we are very sophisticated critics". Be sure and catch our upcoming critics corner.
Same Sal took me to see "Win Win". She is the bomb. Amazing movie.
Here is where am reeling....tornadoes touched down on both sides of my girls' school & John Stroud's workplace. I think I am entitled to hold on to things, grudges, control. God was screaming through all four movies & His creation.....there is a better way, I am not God, and I am blessed regardless of how I look at things. Got this call from my mom. Ever got a call that took your breath away because of the love & emotion of the other person? I did. I think I keep taking my eye off the real prize, the real message....may I listen more closely.....
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
I walk among heroes
This past weekend I had seven separate functions. They were all happy and fun but I have to be honest, in my gut I was saying, "ugh! No down time!". What a difference a weekend makes.
Friday night I got to swell with pride over daughter number three dancing her heart out in her musical. She was awesome!
Saturday night my beloved runner girl Kristy was turning 50. The hostess-with-the-mostest (ALWAYS) Andrea turned her pre- Civil War home into a fairyland of flowers and candles. Liz created a signature cocktail. Andrea wisely separated spouses and there was laughter and pure joy everywhere. Many of us took turns toasting Kristy. The running theme was her loyalty and how fun she is. Her hubby ended the night with a toast that summed up all of us who are fortunate to count Kristy as a heart friend know to be so true. He said he loved Kristy for a 100 reasons but one of the main ones was illustrated in a drab Hamilton County education building last week. Kristy & Gordon have a beautiful daughter Emma that has some rather serious disabilities. In a meeting to discuss Emma's education, Gordon hemmed & hawed until Kristy stepped in and explained Emma's needs & what needed to be done NOW. Gordon said pencils started moving and boxes were checked. She then went through every child in Emma's room & what they needed. When met by opposition, Kristy informed everyone she would provide transportation if the school did not. Gordon said Kristy did things that would never get her name on a plaque or a banquet in her honor but did the right things because that is her calling & her heart. She is equally passionate about all of us she loves. How amazing. How blessed.
Sunday, Nancy the beloved protective lioness, had a luncheon to honor her daughter joining the church. She read a sermon illustration a pastor had done based on Lord of the Rings. To know Nancy is to know she loooooooves Tolkien. The illustration was when one character (I am me,not Nancy the great Tolkien expert) goes to join forces with great king. When he finds him he is withered and small.nthe friend knows the nasty Wormwood has fed him lies so he takes his friend into the light and tells him the truth. She thanked us for being the truthful voices in her child's life. Yes, my cup runneth over. These are the people I run with.....I walk among greatness.....
Friday night I got to swell with pride over daughter number three dancing her heart out in her musical. She was awesome!
Saturday night my beloved runner girl Kristy was turning 50. The hostess-with-the-mostest (ALWAYS) Andrea turned her pre- Civil War home into a fairyland of flowers and candles. Liz created a signature cocktail. Andrea wisely separated spouses and there was laughter and pure joy everywhere. Many of us took turns toasting Kristy. The running theme was her loyalty and how fun she is. Her hubby ended the night with a toast that summed up all of us who are fortunate to count Kristy as a heart friend know to be so true. He said he loved Kristy for a 100 reasons but one of the main ones was illustrated in a drab Hamilton County education building last week. Kristy & Gordon have a beautiful daughter Emma that has some rather serious disabilities. In a meeting to discuss Emma's education, Gordon hemmed & hawed until Kristy stepped in and explained Emma's needs & what needed to be done NOW. Gordon said pencils started moving and boxes were checked. She then went through every child in Emma's room & what they needed. When met by opposition, Kristy informed everyone she would provide transportation if the school did not. Gordon said Kristy did things that would never get her name on a plaque or a banquet in her honor but did the right things because that is her calling & her heart. She is equally passionate about all of us she loves. How amazing. How blessed.
Sunday, Nancy the beloved protective lioness, had a luncheon to honor her daughter joining the church. She read a sermon illustration a pastor had done based on Lord of the Rings. To know Nancy is to know she loooooooves Tolkien. The illustration was when one character (I am me,not Nancy the great Tolkien expert) goes to join forces with great king. When he finds him he is withered and small.nthe friend knows the nasty Wormwood has fed him lies so he takes his friend into the light and tells him the truth. She thanked us for being the truthful voices in her child's life. Yes, my cup runneth over. These are the people I run with.....I walk among greatness.....
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Heroes near and far....
This has been the hardest entry yet. I guess because there are so many emotions flooding my heart. Last weekend John Stroud & I went to Chicago to say goodbye to Helen. Helen was about to turn ninety. John was miserable in his dorm in grad school. He ended up in Helen's house, in her heart, in her family. But that was Helen. She never made anyone feel less than treasured, loved, and special. Helen could have been a victim. A single mom caring for two gifted girls and one mentally challenged son, she put herself through grad school at forty-seven. She changed the lives of countless students at Northwestern. Her daughters told stories of her attending rainy Cubs games at eighty, racing their friends in the street, and always listening to them. Her granddaughter told stories of her jumping off high dives and making time capsules for her. Everyone mentioned her positivity, zest for life & love of people. I felt sorry for anyone at the service who did not know Helen. John told the story how he lost Helen's son Mark at a Cubs game & she didn't yell at him. She was amazing. These are the people who deserve our applause. I am so thankful I knew her & was loved by her.
Helen got me thinking about women and girls and heroes. She was one of my heroes...truly. It got me thinking about my big girls. Big girl one went to Chicago on school trip. She fed the homeless & loved on the outcast lesbian girls at an inner city high school. Big girl number two is looking at schools in NYC to pursue a dream. Fearlessness! Are they mine? I don't know somedays....
A friend in our church has been battling a life-threatening illness. I have been so blown away by the groups of people from different faiths and walks of life coming together to support this family & each other. I love it when we are pleasantly surprised by people.
I started an herb garden today. Another new thing. Trying to surprise myself. Precious Lizzy next door told me she wanted pretty flowers like mine :). Life is nothing if not surprising...
Helen got me thinking about women and girls and heroes. She was one of my heroes...truly. It got me thinking about my big girls. Big girl one went to Chicago on school trip. She fed the homeless & loved on the outcast lesbian girls at an inner city high school. Big girl number two is looking at schools in NYC to pursue a dream. Fearlessness! Are they mine? I don't know somedays....
A friend in our church has been battling a life-threatening illness. I have been so blown away by the groups of people from different faiths and walks of life coming together to support this family & each other. I love it when we are pleasantly surprised by people.
I started an herb garden today. Another new thing. Trying to surprise myself. Precious Lizzy next door told me she wanted pretty flowers like mine :). Life is nothing if not surprising...
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Book clubs & wilsons
So last night was book club. We toasted our third anniversary and glanced in amazement the 36 books we have read. It is the most diverse, fun, smart, funny group of women that I have the honor to call my friends. One member shared it was her first foray into socializing after a divorce & how therapeutic it had been. One member mentioned it was the most accepting group she had ever known because everyone speaks their mind without fear of reproach.
Elizabeth the urban hipster extraordinaire has shared this amazing blog: myjourneytoperfectionlol.blogspot.com. The blog from yesterday was on "Wilsons" in our lives based on Wilson the volleyball in "Cast Away" with Tom Hanks. I,too, am so thankful for my "Wisons". Today as I write I sit waiting on Nancy the protector. Thankful I know she always has my back. Thankful she speaks truth. Thankful that she is often quite & measures her words. I pray often for my girls' friend choices.....may they have "Wilsons"....
Life really is better in community....with "Wilsons" especially...
Elizabeth the urban hipster extraordinaire has shared this amazing blog: myjourneytoperfectionlol.blogspot.com. The blog from yesterday was on "Wilsons" in our lives based on Wilson the volleyball in "Cast Away" with Tom Hanks. I,too, am so thankful for my "Wisons". Today as I write I sit waiting on Nancy the protector. Thankful I know she always has my back. Thankful she speaks truth. Thankful that she is often quite & measures her words. I pray often for my girls' friend choices.....may they have "Wilsons"....
Life really is better in community....with "Wilsons" especially...
Sunday, April 3, 2011
'byes, babies & bike rides
This weekend John Stroud & I will fly to chicago to say good bye to a dear friend, Helen Palmer. When John was at Northwestern in graduate school, he hated his dorm. He checked the bulletin boards and found a room in Helen's home. Helen and her son Mark quickly became John's Chicago family. Helen was one of his heroes almost instantly & Mark his fast "buddy". Helen chose to raise three amazing kids after a husband left...Mark with developmental issues. She could have been a victim...she was instead our hero. She loved John well...but she lived all people well. She taught me to make chicken marabella..it is still my go-to company dish. You felt warm & almost glow-y with Helen. In our wedding pictures, she is the biggest smiler & thrower of rose petals. We will miss her so...
Held babies for two hours today. Pure therapy. Miss Doris who potty trained my girls commented how fast they are gone. They are. A blink. A glance. A wish. A prayer. One baby, the amazing Hank, was soothed by rounds of Jesus Loves Me and the Auburn fight song. He slept in my arms. Truly better than Xanax. MC's baby comes August....babies....
Bye to big girl today. See her at Easter but still hard to release. Spain is happening & I am sorta crumbling....sorta.
First big girl hour long bike rIde around mountain with John & neighbor Zach. Think it was John's idea so I would not yell or swear. I did love it. I could see it being addictive. Ok, he was right....
Held babies for two hours today. Pure therapy. Miss Doris who potty trained my girls commented how fast they are gone. They are. A blink. A glance. A wish. A prayer. One baby, the amazing Hank, was soothed by rounds of Jesus Loves Me and the Auburn fight song. He slept in my arms. Truly better than Xanax. MC's baby comes August....babies....
Bye to big girl today. See her at Easter but still hard to release. Spain is happening & I am sorta crumbling....sorta.
First big girl hour long bike rIde around mountain with John & neighbor Zach. Think it was John's idea so I would not yell or swear. I did love it. I could see it being addictive. Ok, he was right....
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