Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A lot can happen in eight days & in Madea...

Eight days ago wonder daughter number three was diagnosed with mono. I realize it is mono, not some life-threatening illness, but selfishly it threw a wrench in my plans. Very quickly we both developed cabin fever. Even worse, she had to miss her class trip to Dollywood. Big tears. BIG deal.

Baby girl's birthday was two days after "the day" as we began to call it. We had planned a frozen yogurt party after a day of entire fifth grade eating lunch together & seeing "Soul Surfer". I have to be honest, I was dreading that movie. Don't ask why, can't even begin to answer. I honestly do not know. I usually love cheesy, good triumphs stories. I was blown away. I thought I knew the story, but here is a lesson I re-learned: when so down you see no way out, do something for someone else. See the movie. Take people you love.

Big girl surprised baby girl at party. Nothing, nothing, nothing like sisters. I was exhausted! Forgot to hand out the goodie bags I stressed over....

Saturday big girl and I took a Pure Barre class & ate Mojo. I love having children want to be with me. I then did Home Depot for the numerous projects that begin when there is light & I feel alive again. Then the big treat....Madea's Big Happy Family & aerial yoga. I love me some Tyler Perry & Madea. I love the whole forgiveness is not for the other person but for YOU themes. I want to have lunch with him soooooooo bad. If you ever see that contest, enter me please. Aerial yoga was being in the circus which brings up movie three...."Water for Elephants". Saw it with big girl & big girl number two who is looking at NYC & beyond schools. The non-reader of the book (big girl) loved. Me & Sal, we missed the nuances of the relationships. Sal says "Mommy, we are very sophisticated critics". Be sure and catch our upcoming critics corner.

Same Sal took me to see "Win Win". She is the bomb. Amazing movie.

Here is where am reeling....tornadoes touched down on both sides of my girls' school & John Stroud's workplace. I think I am entitled to hold on to things, grudges, control. God was screaming through all four movies & His creation.....there is a better way, I am not God, and I am blessed regardless of how I look at things. Got this call from my mom. Ever got a call that took your breath away because of the love & emotion of the other person? I did. I think I keep taking my eye off the real prize, the real message....may I listen more closely.....

1 comment:

  1. Mono can be a BIG deal. I almost missed my freshman year at Samford because of that dreaded disease. Ha! I was also embarrassed because it was known as "the kissing disease." Get well soon, daughter #3!!!
