Friday, July 22, 2011

I will do yours if you do mine....

We ended our stay cation with no kids by going to Hotlanta for a night. We had a perfect plan: arrive at lunch, eat, shop, workout, dinner out with Paramore & Jonathan, sleep late, Trader Joe's, bike ride, lunch, home.

Since John Stroud was being gracious to shop, I mapped out my exact locations & needs & showed him the list. Success!!!! We cruised through every stop & laughed & kissed & had a ball, plus he was able to take calls & do business.

Hotel was amazing & another priceline victory. We went to meet Paramore & Jonathan. Some idiot had said to John, "how sweet to have dinner with Merrile's gay friends". His response was "would you say that about her black friends? Her Asian friends? Her Buddhist friends?". John Stroud made a powerful comment, "Sometimes people are more afraid of their similarities than their differences.". How right he is!!!! The first 45 minutes the three men talked pharmaceuticals, drug stores & marketing. HELLO!!!! I got sooooooooo cute for these men!!!! They finally paid attention to me!

The bike ride....well it sucked. I have run two marathons, countless half marathons but 20 miles on a hot day and I am done on a bike. I have tried to love it because I love John Stroud and he does 100 mile races a lot but I hate it. HATE IT. he saw my pain today & I think we are done on bikes. It will be his boy only activity & I am so good with that.

I love that he and I both have things we love that are ours alone and not dependent on each other or our kids. I find it healthy that we find joy and our kids or each other are not responsible for our happiness. I love him, he is the best person I know but we need our differences.

I did his. He did mine. I won. Yeah me!

1 comment:

  1. Merrile, another great blog entry! Glad you and John have had a wonderful weekend together!
