Friday, March 4, 2011

God's faithfulness, friends & crack houses

Thursday are Bible Study Fellowship days (BSF in church speak). Thought I camped on today: Our confidence does not lie in our faithfulness to God, but in HIS great faithfulness to us. This is the dark spot in my heart...get ready.....turn on some bright lights.....I sometimes think God is lucky to have me on His team. Ouch! S-I-C-K!!! Me in all my brokenness thinks God is lucky. C-R-A-Z-Y! I am amazed at how faithful he remains to me in midst if my stuff!

I have had the same best friend since I was twelve. We have been BFF's for 34 years (yeah quick do the math- I am old). Her precious daddy loves to tell the story how she came home in sixth grade and exclaimed, "I hate that Merrile Phillips! She thinks she is so smart!". Then two weeks later he couldn't get us off the phone. She makes my heart smile. We love the same things yet are different. Yep, we "complete each other". She is having a rotator cuff repaired next week. She has never had,had lots. She is nervous. I tell her just get past the IV. (cannot do anything that involves my veins). But here is the heart of the heart, she makes my world so much better, sweeter, richer. Just like when Tucker had surgery, I start to tense up. She has a part of my heart. I never could imagine life without John Stroud but I also could never imagine life without my girlfriends. There are some parts of life only my girlfriends can get & reason through with me. She will be fine I know but my heart will be a little nervous until I know she is in recovery. Of course, since God is so lucky to have me, He will be all over it that day (read the heavy sarcasm please).

I think it is only fair to tell you why I am so fortunate to have my wonderful part time job at the Cosmetic Market. I was such a loyal customer, I was on the top 10 customer list & there so often my friends called it my "crack house". Yep. True story. John Stroud said if I never made money there the discount alone was payment. Sad but true. And my make up is always clean and organized....wish all my cabinets were. Funny how OCD I am about somethings and so not about others. Well I am happily enjoying the "crack house".....think you need to be an addict too.

Big girl brings home college friends this girl spends night at a friend's did I get here in the blink of one sleep....

1 comment:

  1. Will say prayers for AB today. :)

    Also, thought you'd like this (friend posted on her FB page this am):
