Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Serenity & choices & voices

I love Tuesdays. It is al-anon day which means I always get new wisdom & am reminded of old. Old: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. New: Even when someone else's choices do not include me (ouch! That always hurts!), I can still CHOOSE to love BOTH of us by letting go & letting God loosen the ties that BIND ME to sadness & frustration. Wow. Yeah, read it again.

I looooooove that quote in "The King's Sppech". "You have a voice. It deserves to be heard. Find a friend to hear it." Cool new friend Julie told me today my voice makes her smile. This made me smile. I have struggled to find that voice. This was a happy.

Expectations are preconceived resentments. Another al-anon gem. Been thinking about that. Planned this trip for Sal & my mon & I need to not EXPECT them to react to all my hard work a certain way. Whoa. Yep...one day at a time....

1 comment:

  1. I had expectations of Christmas. My son lives in Nashville. It snowed! My expectations were dashed!!! I needed a MEETING!!! Physically, I cannot attend at this time. I can still read my recovery literature. Blessings to you!!!
